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Monday, November 4, 2019

Earning rewards with receiptpal

I am a mom that tries to find any way to either save or make money. It is something I have done for years and I have become fairly good at it. Each year it seems like things change and there is some different way to do those things, but I try to keep up with the trends. Learning about apps to save or earn money has been one of my big focuses recently.

I discovered that there is apps that give you points for simply taking pictures of your receipts. You do not have to itemize or break anything down. You just take a picture of the receipt then submit it to the site for points or rewards.

My favorite app is Receiptpal. It is a fairly simple app to understand and I use it for gift cards to Amazon. I did have issues in the beginning because you have to connect your email account and your Amazon account. I was hesitant, but finally gave in. Well it paid off. I now get points for everything I purchase that I get a receipt for through my emails and every Amazon purchase.

In the last three months I have been taking pictures and submitting my receipts. I have almost earned enough to get $25 towards Amazon for Christmas. $25 is a gift for a mom on a tight budget. This is enough to buy one of the kids something to put under the tree for Christmas morning.

I believe Receiptpal is very much worth the time it takes to submit a receipt. It may not pay a huge amount, but the task is very simple. I think saving through the year will be what I do, then use it every year towards Christmas.

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