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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Making Money from your Receipts (2021 Update)

 Back in March of 2021 I made a post on my Blog Free Money with your Daily Receipts. In this post I shared a few sites that I had signed up for to earn some extra money with my receipts. I wanted to share an update with everyone so that you can see for yourself if it is worth doing. So, did I make extra money by simply submitting receipts? Yes I did, and it has helped quite a bit with Christmas this year. I want to share my experiences from each site and my earnings for the last nine (9) months. 


Coinout has been one of my least earning sites, but not because of the points they offer. It is because of my connection. I do all of my receipts at night from home, and do not have a great internet connection. For some reason this is the only receipt app that does not work from my home. Even though that is the case I have still earned money with the app. In all I have made $21.50 since March of 2021. If I had taken the time to submit receipts I believe it would have been more than $100. I keep hoping something is fixed for me to be able to submit receipts when I am home, but have not had luck with that so far.


I have made quite a bit this year with Receipt pal  by simply taking pictures of receipts. I cashed out $25 in March, and I am about 100 points away from cashing out another $50 for 2021. That is a total of $75 for the year.


Fetch Rewards has been my favorite app to use and my top earner. It is a more advanced programs and is fun to use. You can connect different emails and other accounts to help you earn even more money. In all I have made $100 and counting through Fetch Rewards since the beginning of 2021. They also have a great referral program so please use referral code BVNFT if you choose to use the app.


My Points is an okay app if you remember to use the app when you are shopping, other than that they have changed a lot of their earning options, including taking away paid emails. In all I have only made $10 for the year, but I really do not use the app as much any more.


Inboxdollars has been my top earning site since 2009. In the last year or so they have increased their earning options including paying to submit receipts. This year I have made a little more than $100 with Inboxdollars. I know I could have made a lot more if I had time to be more involved on the site. I have complete faith in the earning potential for Inbox and they always pay.


Receipt hog is a fun app to use. You have chances to win on monthly spins and other fun little surprises. I have not made a huge amount with the app, but it is one of the easiest apps that I use to submit receipts. I have made about $50 with receipt hog since March of 2021. If you do sign up for this app please use referral code brel9965.

Since March of 2011 I have made more than $350 just with these sites. I know it does not sound like a lot, but it only takes seconds to submit receipts. So I make on average, an extra $30+ a month by spending maybe an hour or two on submitting receipts. Coming from a single mom, $350 makes a huge dent in buying Christmas presents for my kids. My goal for submitting receipts in 2022 is to make more than $600 for Christmas gifts.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Newbie Trading with Webull

Well I am sure most have heard of the Game Stop and AMC stock discussions going on. I started doing stock trading through Stash a couple of years ago, and like using it. The only downfall is there is no real time information or trades. It is for long term investing, and I actually love the site. I have made a few grand on the site, some of which was from the AMC stocks.

I still have AMC stocks on STASH, but I opened a Webull account last week, so far it is very easy to use. I have invested a few hundred dollars, a large portion into AMC. I have been doing a lot of research and the numbers are pushing AMC stocks up. How far? I have no idea. I am a simple stock trader, and I am learning the numbers when it comes to stock trading. 

As a single mom, I do not have a fortune to invest in any stock, but if I can find ways of doubling small amounts of money, it will start adding up more. In my world if I can make $100 into $200 it means groceries for my family, or paying bills. At some point I would love to trade stocks for a living, but for now I am just pushing to make five thousand dollars in 2021.About $2000 down so far.

Another stock I am reading about that has some potential is GTT Commns on the NYSE. As of today, 4/25/2021 it is at 1.66 a share. At that price I can 100 shares and if it goes up I will make a huge profit. If it loses I will only lose a couple hundred dollars. The gamble is worth it in my eyes. 

I do not just invest in stocks that will make a huge gain, I also like stocks that will pay me in dividends. Some stocks pay fairly well on the dividends. I do not see where I will be making a fortune in dividens any time soon, but to have extra money coming in helps a lot. 

Just so you know I am not experienced in stock trading. I am learning as I go. I take time to read the news on companies, watch the numbers on the market, and have tried to learn the contributing factors to the ups and downs. With trading so readily available anyone can do it, but not everyone should. Do not take a gamble on your money if you do not want to put in the effort to learn.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

How quickly can money add up?


    I have been finding many ways of saving money through the years. At one point a few years ago I started to do some calculations and determined how quickly money add up. Whether finding ways of earning money, saving money or cutting out expenses. No matter what way you look at it you will see that money adds up very quickly. I want to share a few examples from my everyday life. If you would like to learn more about how I have taken this all into play in my life take a look at my post  Where I come from financially and where I am going financially

Saving money

  • Saving aluminum cans average out to be about .02 a day
  • Not purchasing Starbucks is about 4.00 a day
  • Finding free ways to get rid of my trash, I get to use the place I work at, saves .85 a day
  • Switching to energy efficient bulbs saves about .10 a day
  • Using the gas buddy card saves about .06 a day
  • Using my receipt apps saves about .30 a day See my Free Money Post 
  • Canceling cable to only use streaming saves $4 a day

    That gives me an average daily savings of $9.33, monthly savings of $280 and a grand total of yearly savings of over $3400! I have to say that type of money is nothing to frown at in my world. $280 has been the difference of eating for my family in the past. Now this does not include what I do to cut my grocery budget. I clip coupons, use sites like Ibotta, and compare prices online and in stores. I usually save a couple hundred dollars a month on groceries by using those methods, but I do not have a concrete average to share. Now lets discuss making money.


Making Money

     I am not sharing what I do to make money at my place of employment, but other simple things that I do to earn a few cents here and there. Some of these ways of making money has taken time to build on but it can give you an idea on how quickly money adds up.

  • Bonds I have purchased pays 5% interest and it adds up daily I am now making .48 a day
  • Selling scrap does not add up to much, but I still do it when i have stuff to sell. I figured out that I can average out what I make to be about .05 a day
  • Selling online as a way to get rid of things in my house, not things I buy to sell, makes about .90 a day
  • Using sites such as Inbox Dollars and MyPoints gives me an extra .25 a day. Some of this is gift cards, but it works just like cash.

    I do a lot of other things online and at home to make money, but these are the simplest things that everyone can do. So how quickly does this money add up? With these few simple things I would have $1.68 a day, about $50 a month and over $600 a year. I get astonished by looking at these numbers still. 

   In addition to the saving money and making money tips above to see how quickly money adds up, I also do things like pick up change off of the ground, make sure every last drop of gas comes out of the hose, use a few drops less of detergent, and many other things like that to save money. In short, I pinch my pennies tight, and I learned that from living a very poor life and struggling to buy things as simple as bread and milk in the past. 

    So just from the above things I give you a small example of how quickly money can add up. With these few things you are looking at an additional $4000 a year in savings or small ways of making. Even if you cannot do all of this look at the big picture every day. If you can find a way to save or make the small amount of $5 a day you will have an extra $150 a month or over $1800 a year. So how quickly can money add up? As you see it can be very quickly. 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Where I come from financially and where I am going financially

 If you have read any of my other posts you would know that i have been through a lot financially. I want to share some of my story in the hopes that I can help someone else on their financial journey. In the past 10 years I have went through ups and downs financially and in other aspects of my life. It has been a learning journey for my family and I. If my experiences can help just one person, it will be worth it.

To begin I have never had a lot in my life. I was that person that would eat tomato sandwiches as a child because we did not have food to eat. My mom was a single mom, and she did everything she could to give us what we needed. There were many times that we would have tuna helper or beans for many meals. There were even some neighbors in Louisiana that would bring meals over from time to time. What was crazy is that I never really realized we struggled so much. I would be picked on in school because I did not have the new things, or would wear the same close more than once a week. 

As I got older it did not get a lot better. I held jobs from the time I was 12 years old. Whether helping my mom and grandma in their gas station, helping family friends, or picking pecans to make money. Once I turned 15 I was working seven days a week in the evenings and going to school during the day. At 18 I screwed up and got married and bought a house. Within a year I was going through a divorce and moving to Texas. 

Up till 10 years ago I stayed in Texas working different management jobs or independent contractor jobs. All where great jobs but I still did not have a lot of extra money. I did always have my own place and a nice car. I was that person that was broke, but all of my bills were paid. Of course during my 20s I spent way too much on going out and doing things I should not do, but never went without paying bills. I learned at an early age to hustle. By hustle I do not mean doing illegal stuff, but did that on occasion when I was younger to make ends meet. By hustle I mean to look at every way you can to earn money. By doing sales like AVON and other independent contract work, or recycling to make a few cents. Everything that you can earn money on, you should learn how to.


In 2011 I had my son with a man I was with for eight years, and he left me pregnant.He left me without a place to live, without insurance, and without a car. That was a hard pill to swallow, but I had to support my son. I worked two jobs up until I had my son, and went back to work about three weeks after having a c-setion. During that time I learned everything I could about saving money and making money. My favorite thing was writing. I wrote a lot of articles online, and that helped me move to Colorado.


In August of 2011 We moved to Colorado. When I say we I mean my two month old son, my disabled sister and her three young kids, and my disabled mom. My sister was very ill, so I was they only one working in the house. I landed a job at a convenience store making about 8.25 an hour. It was not much, but it was the beginning of me changing my life financially. With my job and my side hustles I was making OK money. It was not a lot, and at that point I was having to pay for a large house for everyone to live in, and my money was the only thing coming in.


After a few months my mom and sister were finally able to get disability, and my sister was finally able to get child support. This is not saying it was easy by far, but it was getting a little better. I started a small account for my son and opened a couple of CD's. Nothing much, but it was a start. After only a year or so we hit a hard spot and had to find another place to live. We had to move into a small manufactured home because the rent was really low. It needed a lot of work, and we traded cleaning and repairs for rent for a few months. In addition to this I was also going to school full time, and working full time. But getting the reduction in rent was a life saver.

In 2014 we hit a hard year, probably the hardest year I have ever had in my life. In April, my boyfriend passed away. In October, my sister passed away. Also during that time we lost an aunt, two cousins, and my sons grandfather. It was a hard blow to everyone. In addition to the losses I gained three kids. Unfortunately in January of 2015 my nephew chose to go to his dad, but I kept my two nieces. So now I was a single mom to my son and two nieces. Thank God for my mom. She was my saving grace helping with them so I could get my business degree and worked full time. 

Going through all of this I had a place to turn, it was my job. I still worked at the convenience store and had worked my way up to assistant manager. Now, just because I was an assistant manager did not mean that I made a lot of money, but I made it work. I found ways to clip coupons for everything, found money saving apps, and continued to do some writing to earn a little more. I also recycled, found rewards programs, and other ways to hustle and save money.

The end of 2014 I started the process of buying a house through the USDA. Because of my low income and some blimps on my credit, it was a process. Unfortunately around May of 2015 we lost the place we were living and moved into a tent on a friends property. A few weeks after, we moved into their basement because of  them being concerned for my kids and mom. They ended up moving In October, so we actually moved in with my boss for a month. November 1st 2015 I signed the papers on our house. 

The house I purchased is very small. Total square feet of less than 500 square feet, but it is ours. We still live in the house, but working on options to add on to it, or purchase another one at some point. 

In 2017 my sons dad and I tried to work things out. I helped him move from Texas to Colorado and we got back together.  I should have known better, but I like to believe in the best of people. I did get an amazing blessing though. I had a baby girl August of 2018. Unfortunately, the father was not around for that one either. He did come around for about a year of her life, after she was born, but left us in the middle of the night without a word. He now manages a fast food place just 15 miles from us, in a very small town, and has not even asked how the kids are in over a year.

So now I have a 9 year old and a 2 year old plus my oldest niece who is 22 and my disabled mom. My youngest niece is going to Baylor University to become a nurse. My oldest niece does work in the same place that I do, but I am hoping she can find her own path in life when she decides what that is. 

With all of this it has been a struggle financially, but we have learned to survive. We have went through more ups and downs that most people could imagine, but did our best. Now, even with the crazy stuff that has happened, I am better financially. Actually quite a bit better. We have a 2015 GMC Sierra, a decent house and working on a bigger one, a truck camper, have food in the house without struggling for it, and all of the bills are paid. Also, I have close to $15000 dollars put up for the kids and our future. So how have I done that?

It has not been easy, and even when my finances did get better, I did not change much of my spending habits. An example I have use is I am the poor that shakes the handle at the gas pump so I do not lose a penny. I have always lived by that and still do. I still use everything I can to save money, like this post.  I use sites like Ibotta to save money like coupons. I also continue to recycle for money, and pick up change off of the ground when I see it. One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give anyone, even if finances gets better, never change your spending and saving habits. Even if your finances gets better, plan for the worse. Even now I plan for the instance something happens to my mom, then I would have to quit working. 

I do not think the kids have had a horrible life, they have gotten most things they have needed and even wanted. They usually have the most advanced technology, but I find it at a discount. They have decent clothes, but I refuse to spend a hundred dollars on shoes or a pair of jeans. We do travel a lot, and even started a blog about our travels (The Traveling Family Adventures). None of the things I do such as blogging or writing online will make us rich, but it keeps us at the comfortable stage, and helps me set all of my kids up for a better financial future.

Free Money With Your Daily Receipts

    Well when I say FREE money, I do not mean that everyone is going to hand you free money or that there is a way for you to get money without some kind of effort in your everyday life. I mean there are simple ways for you to get free money everyday, in some places you would not think to look, generally. Such as your everyday receipts will give you free money by simply taking a few pictures. Taking 5 minute surveys can be simple, and reading emails is something that you do everyday. All of these can can give you free money, with minimal effort. It is something that I do regularly and make a few dollars a week. These are some of the apps and sites that I use. I do put referral links in, because I can earn more money if people join under me. As of right now the earnings that I share are without any referrals. If you do join using my referral information just let me know. If you have a site to try I will do the same for you.

    Receipts are one of the easiest ways I have learned in 2021 to earn money, I am actually putting it all towards Christmas for the kids. Being a single mom to two kids means every dollar counts, free money is great, and if my calculations are correct I should have close to $1000 for Christmas from just my receipts. I have shared some of these sites on other posts, but it does not hurt to share again. 



     Coinout is free money for your daily receipts. It is actually a very easy app to use and you can get credit for your paper receipts or digital ones. You sign up with your phone number and they pay out with gift cards, or Paypal if you reach $20 or more. The only downfall I have for this app is that some times it takes several times to get a receipt to go through. It comes up with a time out error. The upside is over the last month I have made about $5.       



    Receiptpal is another way to receive free money for receipts. Recieptpal does not have a referral program, but it is one of my favorite receipt apps. I started using it mid last year and earned enough to get over $50 for Christmas for the kids. I am an avid Amazon shopper, so I got a digital gift card.  You simply connect your email and Amazon accounts to get credit for your digital receipts, and take pictures of your daily receipts. 

    To give you an example of how much free money I get from receipts on Receipt pal I cased out my points for over $50 in December. Now it is mid March and I have earned enough or a $25 gift card. I know for some that seems like a small amount, but the work I put in per receipt is less that 30 seconds. Not much time to invest to get free money.


Receipt Hog

     Receipt Hog is one of my new favorite ways to get free money. If you do download the app please use referral code brel9965. With Receipt Hog you can connect several accounts such as Instacart, Amazon, Kroger, and your email. Using all of these you will get free money for each receipt you submit. It is easy to snap a picture and submit all of your paper receipts as well. Receipt hog also gives you spins on their wheel to get free gifts. I have not won much, but I have gotten a few points to use towards my cash out. In about a month I have earned close to $20.


Fetch Rewards

    Fetch Rewards has given me quite a bit of free money since December. I started using the app a couple of weeks before Christmas and was able to put $5 towards my kids Christmas. Since then I have earned enough to cash out for over $25. Please use referral code BVNFT if you join in the fun on Fetch Rewards. 

    With Fetch Rewards you can connect your email and your Amazon so that you can get credit for every purchase. What I love about the app is that you can earn more points if you purchase certain items, and they have fun contests occasionally. I purchase a lot of Rockstar, or did until they changed the flavor but that is for another time, with one receipt I made over 500 bonus points.  


 My Points

     My Points has been around for a long time. I have used it for about eight or so years. I earn points on the site for reading emails, taking short surveys, doing other small tasks, and yes even submitting receipts now. The receipt thing is new to the site, and I have not perfected it. Even without the receipts I have earned a lot of free money from the site. I usually use it towards gift cards during Christmas, or when I have been in some really hard times.



    Inboxdollars is another site that I have been involved with for years, since 2009 to be exact. They were a new site when I signed up and they have been paying every since. I have made a lot of free money, Probably over a thousand dollars. I know that is not a lot, but I have not been very involved in the site. I stick to the simple things like reading emails, doing a survey here and there, and now submitting receipts. 


    Will these sites help you get rich? No! Will they give you free money to go towards things you purchase? YES! Each of these sites have paid me, except for Coinout. I stand by most of these sites because they have helped me through times when I could barely afford to buy food. These sites have been tried and you can earn money. There is nothing like getting free money for doing simple everyday things. Even if you purchase a .99 soda, submit the receipts, and you can get close to getting that soda for free.